Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Deadlines and Racing

It's tough to face the duel challenges of preparing to do well in a certain targeted race while also managing the daily challenges that come with meeting a project deadline at work. Both peeking your training to perform your best in a race and aiming to have your project be the best it can be offer similar challenges and opportunities.

I am experiencing these each this week and then again for the entire month of October. I am attempting to sharpen my running performance this week for Sunday's The Brooksie Way half marathon. Following Sunday's race, I will then recoup from the race and immediately begin to focus my training my the final race of the year, the City of Oaks Half Marathon in Raleigh NC in early November.. All during this time I will be leading a team of talented architects towards the completion of a major design project. In order to achieve success in each venture one needs to carefully plan, allocate, re-access, focus, re-group, and similar actions all in a very disciplined manner over and over until the project is completed or until the day of the big race arrives.

During my run tonight, I was thinking of how efficient I needed to be in my running form in order to preserve energy to finish the half marathon (13.1 miles) race strong when it occurred to me that in order to finish a design project the entire team needs to become a bit more efficient each day as the due date inches closer. True you like to think you are always performing as efficiently as possible but we also know that is impossible. It is the fact that the project due date or a fast approaching race date forces us all to sharpen our preparation and begin to focus on achieving the goal ahead that we evolve to become more efficient.

I have a goal for my race this weekend. I also have a goal for the project work this week. In order to achieve each I must become more efficient at everything I do, including this little blog posting. So time to wrap this entry up and get my rest for the evening so I can take on the challenges of the design and running worlds once again early tomorrow morning!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I would appreciate your comment and thoughts.

Run Happy



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